Dynamic Audience: Used to create an audience based on shared data. When you create a dynamic audience, you'll set conditions to filter contacts based on the information that's available in your CRM.
To create a Dynamic Audience, please go to Marketing >> Audiences and then click on Create New Audience. You will then see the pop-up window below:
You will need to provide a name to your audience. Once you name your audience, you will need to click on the box of Dynamic Audience as shown in the above screen capture. Then click on the Continue button.
You will see a pop-up window with Create Audience by clicking on (+Select Property) as shown below:
Once you click on Select Property, you will have the option to choose from either the "email" or "name" attribute
After you choose the appropriate customer attribute either email or name, then you add it.
- In case you choose to email, then you will have to enter your complete email address and then click o Preview so that the contact will be added to that audience group.
- In case you choose a name, you will need to enter the full name of the contact person as shown below:
However, there are other 3 possibilities to find the contact like (equals), (does not equal), (contains), and (does not contain) as shown below:
Customer Attributes:
The name or email must be correct and complete. For example - Your list of contacts has the name entered as Richard Paul and the email address as richard@example.com then if you choose "Name" as an attribute it should be Richard Paul and if email then richard@example.com
Does not equal:
If you need to exclude any contact person, then you have to use "does not equal". This will add all the other customers' names except the one for which you have used "does not equal". We will use the above example of Richard. So if you do not want to include Richard in your Dynamic Audience list then you can use the symbol "does not equal".
So if you enter a name or email that is not complete, you can use the "contains' and then click on preview, your contact will be added. Using the same example as Richard. In case you forgot the complete name or email address then you can use "contains". This feature will help to find the name or email that will have either the first or last name of Richard. The same goes for email.
Does not contain:
In case, you do not want any specific customer/contact name to be added then you can simply use the "does not contain" feature to your list. Using the same example of Richard, use richard@gmail.com as an email and it will be not included in your contact list for your audience list created.
Q. Is it possible to delete an audience?
A. Yes, you can delete the audiences.
Q. Can I add one audience to another?
A. No - you cannot add one audience to another
Q. Can I turn a dynamic audience into a static one?
A. No - you cannot turn a dynamic audience into a static one.
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